It was a particular joy for me to check my email this morning and find that my painting "Joy Riding" has been juried and selected by the Curators at the Archives of Ontario. The Ontario Society of Artists(OSA) has a long relationship with the Ontario Government and is the longest continually operating art society in Canada-- since 1872. In fact we are coming up for our 150th anniversary in 2022 and we will celebrate. Special exhibitions and a book and video are currently in the works.
Last summer, members of the OSA were invited by Archives of Ontario to submit work (particularly on a landscape theme) to be considered for inclusion in the Government of Ontario Art Collection. The work was submitted by early October and the news has finally come out. The last time this invitation was extended was 15 years ago. Needless to say I am greatly chuffed to receive my acceptance. What a thrill in these beleaguered days of social distancing and self isolation for so many.
At this point, there is an exhibition at Queen's Park planned for the paintings going to the Archives. Cool!
Joy Riding 30"x40" A favourite view on the 5th in Dufferin County west of Mansfield. That's Old Dex, the 1963 Ford Super Dexta tractor, trundling over the hills.